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Men often suffer from hair loss. Some accept this malady easily, attributing it to physiology and genetics, while others try to preserve the thickness of their hair for as long as possible and take all possible measures recommended by trichology specialists. Interestingly, baldness is not always related to heredity; let’s consider the 15 main reasons of hair loss in Men.


  1. Immune System Malfunction

Intensive hair loss in men may occur due to a significant malfunction in the autoimmune system. In this case, baldness may begin in the form of patches with various localization: on the back of the head, in the temporal or frontal area, on the temples, beard, or eyebrows. Noticing such bald spots, it is essential to consult an immunologist and andrologist urgently. This is important not only for preserving hair but also for preventing harm to internal organs and body systems.

  1. Improper Care

Washing your hair too frequently or too rarely negatively affects the condition of the hair and scalp. Hygiene procedures should be carried out as hair becomes dirty, not according to any particular schedule. If daily washing is required, one should choose shampoos designed for frequent use.

  1. Stress

Stress negatively affects overall well-being, exacerbates chronic diseases, and leads to alopecia. Hair falls out in both men and women due to stress. The nourishment of hair follicles is disrupted, preventing new hairs from growing.

It is recommended to avoid stressful conditions, but this is not always possible. To reduce the harm from excessive nervous tension and constant fatigue, one should consult a doctor for prescription medications. These could be either antidepressants or herbal teas with calming effects.

men hair loss reasons

  1. Lack of Vitamins

The reasons for hair loss may include a lack of nutrients in the body – vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Poor nourishment of the hair follicles leads to their thinning, resulting in hair loss or thinning. Men develop bald spots, which increase over time. It is possible to stop the process with the help of a vitamin-mineral complex. It is better to choose supplements together with a specialist, based on the results of tests

  1. Thyroid Disorders

The formation of bald spots, diffuse, as well as focal and total forms of hair loss, may be related to improper thyroid gland function. Alopecia is noted both in hypothyroidism (insufficient hormone production by the thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the gland). It is necessary to consult an endocrinologist. These conditions are treated with medication. Other gland diseases can also cause baldness. With proper treatment by an endocrinologist, in conjunction with a trichologist, not only will hair be restored, but also the hormonal balance affecting all aspects of the body’s life functions.

  1. Genetics

If a grandfather and father began to go bald in middle or young age, then their descendants are likely to follow the same pattern. Consulting with a trichologist can help delay this process. When therapeutic methods no longer help, one may resort to surgery — hair transplantation.

  1. Medication Intake

Most medications have side effects, among which baldness is often encountered. Annotations to the drugs don’t always mention this. Some antibiotics, hormonal pills, immune-suppressing drugs, antidepressants, and others negatively affect the hair. If discontinuation of such drugs is not possible, one should pay attention to nutrition, sports, and care to minimize hair damage from medication.

  1. Age-Related Changes

Age-related changes affect all parts of the body. In advanced years, few people can boast as thick and beautiful hair as they had in their youth. As age progresses, hair begins to thin on the temples and frontal part, bald spots and bald areas appear. Stopping the falling-out process is extremely difficult, but slowing it down is possible.

  1. Addison’s Disease

Annually, a portion of the population is diagnosed with Addison’s Disease. It’s not very common and is characterized by a lack of hormone production by the adrenal glands. In this disease, hair thins, bald spots appear, and sometimes baldness becomes total.

  1. Down Syndrome

Both boys and girls are born with Down Syndrome. However, hair loss against the background of this disease mainly occurs in males.

  1. Environmental Factors

Living in places with unfavorable ecology and working in harmful industries leaves a mark on the condition of the hair. They become dull, brittle, thin, and fall out. If it is not possible to move or change jobs, one should eat more fresh vegetables and products containing zinc and iron, and take more meticulous care of the hair. This will help reduce the damage from the environmental situation.

  1. Nutritional Disorders

A meager or improper diet leads to a lack of beneficial elements in the body. Strict diets, diseases that make normal eating impossible, a penchant for fast food, fatty and fried food, all contribute to hair loss.

Often, a person cannot connect baldness and their eating habits, missing crucial time for treatment. A visit to a specialist will allow you to get a consultation on diet adjustment.

  1. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp disease, often accompanied by hair loss. There are different types of seborrhea: oily, dry, and mixed. Alopecia is possible with each type.

Dermatitis is characterized by a number of symptoms: dandruff, itching, inflammation, a feeling of tightness, crusts. With oily seborrhea, the dandruff is coarse and sticks to the hair; with dry, it’s fine and easily falls off. Hair loss in seborrhea occurs due to the clogging of pores and follicles, which hinders the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the scalp.

  1. Harmful Habits

Smoking, alcohol consumption, and other toxic substances weaken the body. It becomes more challenging to recover, the skin becomes drier, hair and nails become brittle. The useful substances coming from food are spent on internal organ function, and only a few reach the follicles. As a result, hair falls out and loses its well-groomed appearance.

  1. Exposure to Low and High Temperatures

Outdoor walks are undoubtedly beneficial, but it is essential to follow simple rules: wear a cap or hat in the heat, a warm hat in the cold. Exposure to high and low temperatures negatively affects the condition of hair shafts and bulbs.

Treatment of Hair Loss in Men

Professional products for hair loss — shampoos, masks, sprays — contain active substances capable of improving blood circulation in the scalp, strengthening follicles, and stimulating hair growth. With these compositions, one can support hair health. If alopecia is associated with temporary problems — such as spring vitamin deficiency or stress — the use of professional care products will help avoid significant hair loss. A specialist will help select the proper care and medicinal products.


Medical Techniques

Many medical techniques for treating alopecia are based on physiotherapy and injections. Let’s consider some methods.

Darsonvalization. The method involves the effect on the skin of small currents, which helps to expand blood vessels, accelerate metabolism, and reduce the secretion of sebum.

Laser Therapy. This technique involves the use of low-intensity lasers. With it, you can strengthen hair and stimulate the growth of new ones.

Plasmolifting. An effective method based on the introduction into the skin of the patient’s own blood plasma, enriched with platelets. This method is good because the likelihood of side effects is minimized, as it uses the body’s own resources.

Non-injection Mesotherapy. A modern method of hair treatment. The technology involves the effect on the skin with currents that facilitate the penetration into the cells of a nutritious mixture applied during the procedure. This promotes tissue regeneration and improves blood microcirculation.

Mesotherapy. The procedure involves injections of a special meso-cocktail into the middle layers of the dermis. The active substance helps to restore the structure and pigment of the hair, improving the blood supply to the follicles. This method is much more effective than using superficial cosmetic compositions.

Ozone Therapy. A safe and painless technology without significant contraindications and with an excellent therapeutic effect. The procedures are carried out in a course (8-10 visits). For hair treatment, local effects are used, through which gas enters via a “greenhouse” or subcutaneously.

Head Massage as a Way to Combat Hair Loss

A proven method for activating hair growth is head massage. With it, you can improve not only the mood but also blood circulation. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. After performing the necessary manipulations on the patient’s scalp, the masseur often moves to the collar area, further enhancing blood flow to the problem areas and relaxing.

There are no painful effects – the master touches the skin lightly, performing strokes or circular finger movements.

reasons of hair loss


Hair loss in men can be caused by various reasons or even a complex of them. If timely measures are taken, baldness can be stopped or eliminated. A doctor will help you choose effective treatment methods. Sign up for a free consultation to learn all about modern medical techniques and find out the reasons for the symptoms of alopecia that have appeared in you.

Article Sources:

  • Trueb R. M. Hormone und Haarwachstum // Hautarzt, 2010
  • Blumeyer A., Tosti A., Messenger A. et al. Evidence-based (S3) guideline for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women and in men // J Dtsch Dermatol Ges, 2011